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As a nurse I am forever trying to find something that gives me individuality in my uniform.  At my hospital I'm not lucky enough to wear scrubs and get to wear fun holiday themed ones depending on the time of year. Nope! I'm stuck with the same uniform as every other staff member there! So when looking for the things I can change up such as badge reels and watches I love to be able to add a little of me. Unfortunately the options nurses have when looking at fob watches are pretty slim. You're stuck with your jewellers shop gold and silver ones which tend to be very heavy or the silicone ones that pretty much every nurse I've ever met wears!

I was scrolling in the world of instagram and came across Cavell and Co and finally found the perfect watch.  These classic watches come in three different colours, a grey, tan and a soft pink that go with any uniform of any colour.  I chose the blush pink with the gold accents and have worn it every day since the day it arrived in the mail.  If you are looking for something unique but classic but great quality look no further!

I had to laugh the one afternoon I was putting on my watch and the boyfriend asked if it was just a fashion statement or if I actually used it.  Little does he know how much nurses depend on time to get anything done! Time management is a phrase thrown around so much in nursing and you realise how important it is when you don't have a watch on and have no idea what the time is! and heaven forbid the hospital puts clocks around! These are practical AND look nice! 

If you are like me and looking for the perfect statement to your uniform, look no further. Off to buy every other colour now.. 

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